Washington County Tide Times
High Tide at 10:14 pm
10:13 pmHighLubecHigh Tide at 10:13 pm
10:15 pmHighMachiasportHigh Tide at 10:15 pm
- Baileys Mistake
- Ballast Island
- Bare Island
- Beals
- Beals Island Bridge
- Beaver Meadow Brook
- Bickford Point
- Big Holly Cove
- Big Nash Island
- Birch Cove
- Birch Islands
- Black Point
- Bobs Cove
- Bog Brook Cove
- Bois Bubert Island-Big Head
- Bois Bubert Island-Seal Cove
- Boot Cove
- Boot Head
- Broad Cove
- Brooks Cove
- Browney Island
- Bucks Harbor
- Bunker Reef
- Burnt Cove
- Calf Point
- Cape Split
- Cape Wash
- Cape Wash Island
- Carlos Cove
- Carrying Place Cove
- Case Cove
- Chair Pond
- Chance Island
- Cobscook Bay-Gove Point
- Cobscook Bay State Park
- Coffins Point
- Comstock Point
- Cow Point
- Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge
- Crowley Island-Steele Point
- Crumple Island
- Cutler
- Cutler Naval Base
- Davis Beach
- Denbow Point
- Dennison Point
- Devils Head
- Donovan Cove
- Double Head Shot Islands
- Double Shot Island
- Dougherty Cove
- Doyle Island
- Dram Island
- Drisko Island
- Dunn Island
- Dyer Bay-Clam Point
- Dyer Bay-Over Point
- Dyer Bay-Parker Head
- Dyer Bay-Stanley Point
- Dyer Bay-Yeaton Cove
- Dyer Island-Northeast Cove
- Dyer Island-Northwest Cove
- Dyer Island-Southwest Cove
- Dyer Island-Watts Cove
- Dyer Point
- Fairy Head
- Falls Island
- Federal Harbor
- Fellows Island
- Fickett Point
- Fisherman Island
- Five Islands Cove
- Flake Point Bar
- Flat Bay-Blasket Point
- Flat Island
- Flint Island
- Foster Island
- French House Island
- Frost Cove
- Garnet Point
- Gleason Cove
- Gouldsboro Bay-Canes Cove
- Gouldsboro Bay-Lobster Cove
- Grassy Point
- Gravelly Point Whiting Bay
- Great Cove
- Great Pond Cove
- Great Spruce Island
- Great Wass Island-Black Duck Cove
- Great Wass Island-Cape Cove
- Great Wass Island-Deep Cove
- Great Wass Island-Little Cape Point
- Great Wass Island-Little Pond Hill
- Great Wass Island-Mud Hole
- Great Wass Island-Popplestone Cove
- Great Wass Island-Sand Cove North
- Great Wass Island-The Pond
- Green Island
- Guard Point
- Guvspuny Island
- Halifax Island
- Hamilton Cove
- Hannahs Cove
- Hardwood Island
- Hardy Point
- Harrington Back Bay
- Harrington Bay-Ray Point
- Harris Cove
- Haycock Harbor
- Head Harbor Island
- Head Harbor Island-Crow Point
- Head Harbor Island-Sealand
- Hersey Cove
- Hickey Island
- Hog Island
- Holmes Cove
- House Cove
- Howard Cove
- Howard Point
- Lamb Cove
- Larrabee Cove
- Leach Point
- Leighton Cove
- Leighton Point
- Lewis Cove
- Libby Cove
- Libby Islands
- Lincoln Cove
- Little Bois Bubert Island
- Little Holly Cove
- Little Kennebec Bay-Bare Cove
- Little Kennebec Bay-Fan Island
- Little Kennebec Bay-Grays Beach
- Little Kennebec Bay-Hope Island
- Little Machias Bay
- Little Moose Island
- Little River Island
- Little Spruce Island
- Long Island Passage
- Long Point
- Long Point Cove
- Loon Point
- Loring Point
- Lowe Cove
- Lower Birch Island
- Lubec
- Machiasport
- Mack Cove
- Mark Island
- Marsh Point
- Mary Look Point
- Mason Bay
- Matthews Island
- Merritt Cove
- Milbridge
- Mill Cove
- Mink Island
- Mistake Island
- Money Cove
- Monhonan Cove
- Moose Cove
- Morong Cove
- Morrison Cove
- Pattangal Cove
- Petit Manan Point
- Pettegrove Point Dochet Island
- Pettegrow Point
- Pig Island
- Pig Island Gut
- Pigeon Hill Bay-Big Ledge
- Pigeon Hill Bay-Chitman Point
- Pigeon Hill Bay-Tom Leighton Point
- Pineo Point
- Pinkham Island
- Pleasant Point
- Pobblestone Cove
- Point of Main
- Point Ruth
- Pomp Island
- Pond Cove Island
- Pond Island
- Prince Cove
- Raft Cove
- Ram Island
- Red Beach Cove
- Red Cove
- Red Point
- Reversing Falls Park
- Reynolds Bay
- Rhine Point
- Ripley
- Ripley Cove
- Robbinston
- Rodgers Island
- Rogers Point
- Roque Bluffs Beach
- Roque Island-Bonney Point
- Roque Island-Great Beach
- Roque Island-Great Head
- Roque Island-Patten Cove
- Roque Island-Shorey Cove
- Roque Island-Squire Point
- Round Cove
- Salt Island
- Sanborn Cove
- Sand Cove
- Sandy Cove
- Sandy Point
- Sandy River Beach
- Sanford Cove
- Sawyer Cove
- Schooner Cove
- Scotch Island
- Scrub Island
- Seguin Island
- Sheep Cove
- Shoppee Island
- Sipp Bay
- Slate Island
- Smalls Cove
- Smith Cove
- Smith Point
- South Bay
- Spruce Point
- St Croix Island
- Starboard Cove
- Starboard Island
- Steele Harbor Island
- Stevens Island
- Stone Island
- Stover Cove
- Straight Bay
- Strout Point
- Talbot Cove
- The Brothers
- The Flying Place
- Thornton Point
- Timber Cove
- Timmy Point
- Trafton Island
- Treat Island