Washington County Tide Times
High Tide at 1:23 pm
2:22 pmHighNorth KingstownHigh Tide at 2:22 pm
- Atlantic Beach
- Balls North Point
- Balls Point
- Barlows Point
- Black Rock Beach
- Block Island-New Shoreham
- Block Island-Charleston Beach
- Block Island-West
- Block Island State Beach
- Bluff Point
- Browning Beach
- Calf Pasture Point
- Casey Point
- Cat Rock Cove
- Charleston Beach
- Charleston Breachway Mouth
- Clay Head
- Cormorant Point
- Corn Cove
- Crescent Beach
- Dickens Point
- Dickens Reef
- Dories Cove
- Dunes Park Beach
- East Beach
- East Matunuck State Beach
- Fenway Beach
- Fishing Cove
- Fox Island
- Fred Benson Town Beach
- Grace Cove
- Grace Point
- Great Point
- Green Hill Beach
- Green Hill Cove
- Green Hill Point
- Greene Point
- Grove Point
- Indian Rock
- Jamestown Bridge
- Jerrys Point
- Lewis Point
- Lighthouse Cove
- Logwood Cove
- Mansion Beach
- Matunuck Beach
- Matunuck Point
- Misquamicut State Beach
- Mohegan Bluffs Beach
- Moonstone Beach
- Napatree Beach
- Napatree Point
- Narragansett
- Narragansett Beach
- Narragansett Pier
- North Kingston Beach
- North Kingstown
- North Light Beach
- Ocean House Beach
- Old Harbor
- Old Harbor Point
- Pawcatuck River-Pawtucket Bridge
- Pebbly Beach
- Pettaquamscutt River Mouth
- Point Judith
- Point Judith Harbor of Refuge
- Point Judith Lighthouse
- Poplar Point
- Quonochontaug Quonnie Beach
- Quonochontaug Breachway Mouth
- Quonset Point
- Rome Point
- Roy Carpenters Beach
- Salty Brine State Beach
- Sand Bank Cove
- Sand Hill Cove
- Schooner Point
- Scotch Beach
- Southwest Point
- Split Rock Cove
- Stevens Cove
- The Breachway
- Thule Cove
- Tilson Cove
- Vail Beach
- Watch Hill Point
- Watson Pier
- Weekapaug Breachway Mouth
- Weekapaug Point
- West Beach
- West Beach Block Island
- Westerly
- Westerly Town Beach
- Whale Rock
- Wickford
- Wickford Lighthouse